It is always fun to see your name in lights!
See your name here -> Oracle DV canvas
Word Cloud Viz
I was able to find a data set that would allow me to do just that, see your name among the USA census data for first names at birth all the way back to 1910!
This is the data set that was used
Beyond the top 1000 names -
I found it interesting that there were so babies named 'baby*' and over 90% of them over an approx. 20 year span from 1986 to 2006
It was also interesting to take a look at the trend using the custom Butterfly Viz as I was particularly trying to see if there really was a baby boom. This is what I found. Id does appear that there was a baby boom in the 1960s
Well, the fun part was getting to see where my name was in the data and determine if there were any trends, etc.
Filter: Gary
And to use the Grid Heat map to look into my name over time by state.
Gary looks like a popular name in the 1950s particularly in CA and NY.
Interesting that the name wasn't 'nation-wide' until 1941 and started to taper off in the 1980s.
Again, here is the link to start exploring the OAC Sandbox

Using the OAC Sandbox environment is Free.
No catches, no 30-day trial, just free. free as Free as in FREE.
And in case you needed more reason to there is another canvas that is available in the Sandbox -> 'Real Time Sandbox Usage'
that captures the usage statistics of each canvas in a Project.
Check out the usage of the USA census names canvas over the last 30 days!