You can go and download the patch set update PSU 26783864 here
And the Readme as well.
Documentation: Oracle Smart View for Office Documentation Release
There are a number of New Features added in this release, very exciting!
Take a look at the list:
- Improved MDX and Smart Query Management
- Cascade from Multiple Dimensions
- Business Rule Template Support
- New and Enhanced VBA Functions
- HsGetValue Accepts Additional Data Types
- Streamlined Extension Update Process
- New Option for Displaying or Suppressing Floating Toolbar in Forms
- Updated Look and Feel for User Preferences Dialog Box
- New Essbase Option for Preserving Comments and Unknown Members
Based on the first update, and specifically about Smart Query, I am going to have to go back to the post that I have had pending as a draft for a long long time ..
But at the moment, what does this update look like?
Cascade Members from Multiple Dimensions
When selecting multiple members for a single dimension in the POV, now when you decide to cascade the report, a new dialog box appears kindly asking not only about the 'multi-members' but also the additional dimensions!! :)
I would be careful with this option,
you can see from the info stat that the number of sheets going to be cascaded for this is 3
you can see from the info stat that the number of sheets going to be cascaded for this is 3
This slight modification is going to cascade 36!!
After I clicked okay, my Windows machine was going haywire to say the least. There was flashing, cursor jitter, scroll bar shaking, the Excel window was '(Not Responding)' and turned black. There is good news. The queries all finally finished running and the workbook updated all 36 new query sheets and added them to the workbook.
HsGetValue Accepts Additional Data Types
This was something that as I was using the Cube Designer found interesting. I could create the Smart Lists from the wizard/workbook, create and load them into the cube, but not be able to easily validate that the lists looked as desired.
[HsGetValue] - {syntax to be updated here}
New Essbase Option for Preserving Comments and Unknown Members
Unknown members and comments for OAC users.
Also note that this option is found in the Smart View / Options / Member Options tab (Not the Data Options tab)
Extension Update Process has been streamlined!!
Now when you go into Smart View / Options / Extensions a new dialog box
appears when you click the hyperlink "⚠️ Check for Updates, New Installs, and Uninstalls"
appears when you click the hyperlink "⚠️ Check for Updates, New Installs, and Uninstalls"
This is great! Now that I have established a connection I can use that or any other connections/locations to find updates. Select and click 'Get Updates'
In real time you will see the job running the check for updates, etc. the location used to check.
Once complete, you can close the window and see in the Extension list if there is indeed an update available.
Like these Smart View Extension updates:
Oracle Journals
Oracle Journals
OracleBI EE!

Smart Query

Detailed blog posts to follow!
Since it has been snowing now for a few days here where I live,
I think it is appropriate to say officially that #WinterIsHere!